Applications for carbon parts – our area of expertise

Series production and racing vehicles as well as aircraft production need only those components that are of the highest quality. Wethje Carbon Composites ensures this quality by implementing a state-of-the-art quality management system, using the most advanced equipment for quality control, e. g. 3D measuring machines, FaroArm, a mobile ultrasound scanner, DSC.

Both plants – Hengersberg and Pleinting – are certified according to EN 9100 und DIN EN ISO 9001. The certification according to DIN EN ISO 14001 and DIN EN ISO 50001 was awarded in 2017.

The sustainability policy of Wethje, which includes the areas of environmental protection, energy, sustainability and safety, can be requested by all interested parties from the quality management department.

The currently valid certificates, the environmental and energy policy and the company policy regarding supplier sustainability standards can be downloaded by interested parties under the following links.



Quality Austria – Trainings, Zertifizierungs und Begutachtungs GmbH awards this qualityaustria certificate to the following organisation:

Wethje Carbon Composite GmbH
Oskar-von-Miller-Straße 3
94474 Vilshofen-Pleinting
Central Function

Certification Structure: Campus

Manufacturing of composite parts and assemblies;
manufacturing of models, jigs and tools

Included Sites: according to appendix page 2 / 2

The assessment was performed in compliance with EN9104-001:2013.

This qualityaustria certificate confirms the compliance and further development of an effective


complying with the requirements of standard EN 9100:2018 without product design (technically equivalent to AS 9100D and JISQ 9100:2016) including the requirements of ISO 9100:2015

Certificate-Resistration No.: 00036/0
Issue Date: 12 December 2018
Expiry Date: 11 December 2021

Vienna, 12 December 2018
Quality Austria – Trainings, Zertifizierungs und Begutachtungs GmbH,
AT-1010 Vienna, Zelinkagasse 10/3

Konrad Scheiber
General Manager

Gerald Perschler
Specialist representative

DEKRA ISO 14001:2015 CERTIFICATE for Wethje GmbH

ISO 14001:2015
DEKRA Certification GmbH hereby certifies that the company Wethje Carbon Composites GmbH

Certified area:
Production of components and assemblies made of composite materials; production of master models, fixtures and tools

Certified site:
D-94491 Hengersberg, Donaustraße 35
D-94474 Vilshofen-Pleinting, Oskar-von-Miller-Straße 3

has introduced and maintains an environmental management system in accordance with the above-mentioned standard. Proof was provided in the audit report no. A20011300.

This certificate is valid from: 2020-05-09 to 2023-05-08
Most recent update: 2020-08-28
Certificate register no.: 170514043/1


DEKRA ISO 50001:2018 CERTIFICATE for Wethje GmbH

ISO 50001:2018

DEKRA Certification GmbH hereby certifies that the company

Wethje Carbon Composites GmbH

Certified area:

Production of components and assemblies made of composite materials;

production of master models, fixtures and tools

Certified site:
D-94491 Hengersberg, Donaustraße 35
D-94474 Vilshofen-Pleinting, Oskar-von-Miller-Straße 3

has introduced and maintains an energy management system in accordance with the above-mentioned standard. Proof was provided in the audit report no. A20011300.

This certificate is valid from: 2020-05-13 to 2023-05-08
Most recent update: 2020-08-28
Certificate register no.: 180517030/1