World premier: First Carbon series roof for Audi RS5

First Carbon series roof for Audi RS5

Wethje Carbon Composites GmbH based at Pleinting in Lower Bavaria succeeded in marking a world premier with the new PCM-technology: The first time a series vehicle will be equipped with a carbon roof.

The PCM-technology stands for Prepeg Compression Molding and has been developed by Mitsubishi Chemical Cooperation. The material (Prepreg) is being supplied as rolls. In the partproduction-process several layers are being laid on top of each other, resulting in a so call “stack”. This one is then being processed to Pre-Forms. Subsequent these goods are being pressed to a carbon roof with a 2-parts-tooling. Finally parts like internal protection and antenna are being mounted at the carbon roof after clear coat painting.

This innovative technology is in many ways ground-breaking:

  • The fast hardening material, which was especially optimized for the PCM-technology, reduces the production time from several hours to a few minutes. This reduction of production cycle time involves a significant cost reduction.
  • Excellent mechanical properties in combination with an appealing look give the product weight reduction of 40 percent compared to the aluminium execution
  • This reduction lowers the gravity of the car, which has a positive effect to the driving characteristics and the sustainability.

With this Wethje Carbon Composites GmbH starts series production. Managing Director Florian Anzeneder is very pleased: “Thus we succeed the claim of our costumer which is commonly known as “Vorsprung durch Technik” getting a step forward.”

Carbon-Dach für Audi RS5 von Wethje

About Wethje Carbon Composites GmbH:

Wethje Carbon Composites GmbH is a leading premium manufacturer of Carbon Composites components and parts for premium classified OEMs, the racing motorsports, the aviation industry as
well as industrial applications. The enterprise Wethje Carbon Composites GmbH is a long-term standing business partner of numerous international premium automotive leading manufacturers such as Audi AG, BMW AG, Bugatti S.A.S, Porsche AG and cooperates with numerous premium aerospace industries such as Pilatus Aircraft Ltd., Marenco Swiss Helicopter and FACC AG.

The headquarters and core plants are based in Hengersberg and Pleinting in Bavaria, Germany. Amongst things others Wethje Carbon Composites GmbH is specialized in the manufacturing of
structural components, visible components, body works as well as prototypes and pre-serial parts. At present Wethje Carbon Composites GmbH employs approximately 250 employees.

Audi RS5 Carbon-Dach von Wethje

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